
Vinyl wallpapers
This is the most popular option due to its versatility. It’s not difficult to install, easy to remove and easy to clean. It’s often embossed which adds to the beauty of the print. You can hang it in any type of room.

Acrilyc/Vinyl coated wallpapers
This one is an upgrade from plain wallpaper and it offers the durability and washability that paper alone does not. This type of wallpaper is a great option for a variety of rooms including high humidity environments like bathrooms, laundry rooms and kitchens.

Flock and glass beaded wallpaper
Velvet-like textured or glass beaded pattern or design raised of a metallic or regular paper. It must be installed with special care, cleaning the back of every strip to avoid leaving traces of velvet or glass beads behind and then become visible through the paper.

Grasscloth wallpaper
Wallcovering made from hand-woven strands of natural fibers on an unpasted rice paper backing. It’s more expensive to buy, harder to install and more complicated to maintain but it’s definitely one of our favorites because it looks great with most styles.

Non-woven wallpaper
This type of wallpaper is vinyl free, washable and breathable, so no need to worry about mold. It’s not difficult to install and remove.

Custom printed wallpaper
Vinyl wallpaper printed as per the choice of the customer. They are usually corporate images or advertising campaigns.

The material used to cover the area of wall between a kitchen countertop and the upper cabinets. This is a very personal decorative touch while protecting the wall from splatters or spills. Also, this space can be used for small accent pieces of artwork

Wood wall/ceiling treatments
This is one different way to add style to a wall or a ceiling. There’s some different treatments:
Panel molding: wood trim over plain walls/ceiling.
Chair rail: wood molding that’s attached horizontally around the perimeter of a room.
Wainscoting: panel molding with decorative purposes that lines the lower portion of a wall. One type of wainscoting is board and batten which offers a nice modern look and adds value to a plain wall or ceiling.
Shiplap: wooden board with pieces fitting together with a natural gap the size of a nickel. It’s incredibly versatile in application .
Beadboard: narrow planks in rows lined up against each other. In between the wood planks there is an indentation called bead. It can de installed both on the walls and on the ceiling.

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